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 SEVEN WITCHES' Jack Frost Slams Guitarist DAN LORENZO

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

SEVEN WITCHES' Jack Frost Slams Guitarist DAN LORENZO Empty
MessageSujet: SEVEN WITCHES' Jack Frost Slams Guitarist DAN LORENZO   SEVEN WITCHES' Jack Frost Slams Guitarist DAN LORENZO EmptyLun 19 Nov - 23:08

SEVEN WITCHES' Jack Frost Slams Guitarist DAN LORENZO

The Classic Metal Show, heard live on Saturdays from 9 PM - 3 AM (EST) at , recently conducted an interview with SEVEN WITCHES guitarist Jack Frost.

Over the course of the interview, Frost aired his disgust with THE CURSED/HADES guitarist Dan Lorenzo regarding comments made about him and current Seven Witches vocalist Alan Tecchio.

Below is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Obviously you know my opinion of the new record, and you know that I was a big fan of Alan (Tecchio) as well...

A: "You want to know what the problem is? The problem is that Alan has always played with Dan Lorenzo. Let me say that name again - Dan Lorenzo. The guy is a douchebag and a shitty guitar player, and I hope he hears this finally. He talks a lot of shit about me to people. So I just want to say this: Dan Lorenzo is a douchebag. OK, next question."

Q: What's that about?

A: "Dude, Dan talks a lot of shit about me, and he puts a lot of shit on the internet about me for no reason whatsoever. I've always been nice to this guy, dude, and he really ripped me apart to a lot of people for no reason. That's why I'm pretty disgusted with him. I just don't like the guy anymore. I wish he would say it to my face that he doesn't like me. I'd be cool with that. Alan is an amazing singer, and I'm tired of people putting him down. That's kind of like... I'm pretty annoyed with what Dan's been saying about me, to be honest with you. I never talk shit about people, ever. but this is the first time that I've had enough of, you know... it got back to me pretty bad."

Q: Well, what's he saying?

A: "He's saying that I'm a shitty guitar player. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm terrible. I'm a joke. I'm a joke in the industry."

To download the interview in it's entirety, go to The Classic Metal Show.
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