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 WARBRINGER Post New Video

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WARBRINGER Post New Video Empty
MessageSujet: WARBRINGER Post New Video   WARBRINGER Post New Video EmptyMar 20 Nov - 22:52

WARBRINGER Post New Video Report Online; Shoot Video For 'Combat Shock'

LA thrashers WARBRINGER recently stopped by the Century Media offices and issued the following video report. Watch below to see what the band has to say about their biggest influences, recording with the renowned Bill Metoyer (SLAYER, D.R.I. and SACRED REICH) and touring with the legendary EXODUS...

The group’s new effort, War Without End, is shaping up to be one of the most vicious debuts to come along in years and is destined to add another glorious chapter to thrash metal’s illustrious history.

Warbringer also shot their first promotional video over the weekend for the track 'Combat Shock', with acclaimed director Dan Dobi (CANNIBAL CORPSE). The video is a brutally intense performance based clip that perfectly showcases the band’s unrelenting live energy. Look for it to make its debut online early next year.

While Warbringer has built a rabid local fan base playing with others in the LA thrash revival scene, they’re set to join Exodus, Goatwhore and Arsis on a national tour in January. Never before has the evil, no-holds barred sound of Baloff-era Exodus, Slayer’s Hell Awaits, and Kreator’s Pleasure to Kill been revived and revitalized for the 21st century in such a strikingly inspired and pure fashion.

Be sure to check out for additional info and current touring itinerary.
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