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 CIPHER SYSTEM Post Studio Video Footage, New Song Clip

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: CIPHER SYSTEM Post Studio Video Footage, New Song Clip   CIPHER SYSTEM Post Studio Video Footage, New Song Clip EmptyJeu 2 Oct - 22:39

CIPHER SYSTEM Post Studio Video Footage, New Song Clip

CIPHER SYSTEM Post Studio Video Footage, New Song Clip T98034 Swedish progressive metallers CIPHER SYSTEM check in with the following update from bassist Henric Carlsson:

"We got the video done at last.

We went to Studio Fredman this summer to record a little bit and this clip of 3 - 4 minutes is (lead guitarist) Johan (Eskilsson) recording some riffs on his new Jackson Demmelition King V and EVH amp.

We hope you enjoy the video, and also the clip of the song 'Forget To Forgive' that we posted."

Check out the new audio clip here. The above mentioned video can be found below...
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CIPHER SYSTEM Post Studio Video Footage, New Song Clip
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