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 ARISE AND RUIN Video Footage From The Studio

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ARISE AND RUIN  Video Footage From The Studio Empty
MessageSujet: ARISE AND RUIN Video Footage From The Studio   ARISE AND RUIN  Video Footage From The Studio EmptyMar 20 Jan - 1:38

Victory Records reports:

"Last week you might have caught the new track 'Doom Sentence' from ARISE AND RUIN, but hold off on your headbanging because we have more news from your favorite Canadians!

Be the first to watch a studio update from the band in order to get a taste of how recording is going for their upcoming Victory Records release Night Storms The Hailfire.

Arise And Ruin teamed up with producer Ian Blurton in Montreal to lay down tracks for the new album. Watch the clip below to be transported into their recording process and see the guys in action!"
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ARISE AND RUIN Video Footage From The Studio
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