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 JORN New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: JORN New Album   JORN New Album EmptyLun 3 Déc - 19:28

JORN Mixing New Album

Former MASTERPLAN singer Jorn Lande's has issued the following update on his JORN project:

"Hey, Crows!

We're currently in Tommy Hansen's Jailhouse Studio in Denmark, mixing the new Jorn album, due for release in March '08.

We are planning to come see many of you guys and gals around Europe next year - and hopefully other parts of the world as well. In the meantime you are all welcome to check out our web: , and sign up for an account in our Stormcrows Forum, to meet other dedicated fans and friends.

We want to send our best wishes to all of you for the upcoming season, and thank you for the love and support you have shown us in the past year. It's been truly great meeting so many of you, and we're looking forward to seeing you again next year:-) "
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