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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TWISTED SISTER   TWISTED SISTER EmptyMer 12 Déc - 23:11

TWISTED SISTER To Play Live On Hair Nation’s Twisted Christmas; Enter Contest For Chance To Attend


TWISTED SISTER will perform live on Sirius Satellite Radio - Hair Nation’s Twisted Christmas special to be broadcast live on December 17th at 3 PM (ET) from Sirius' Rockefeller Center Plaza studios in New York City.

A message from Hair Nation reads: If you plan on being in New York City on Monday, December 17th , you can win a chance to see Dee and the boys rock your stocking with Heavy Metal versions of Christmas favorites as well as classic Twisted Sister tunes.

The first 12 people to sign up here will receive an invitation to bring a guest to watch Twisted Sister do a live in-studio performance on December 17th, 2007 at 3 PM.

Guests will also receive their new DVD, A Twisted Christmas Live. Space is limited, and invitations will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Sirius is not responsible for any transportation to and from the event. Must be 18 or older to enter."

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TWISTED SISTER   TWISTED SISTER EmptyLun 17 Déc - 14:56

TWISTED SISTER Camp Says Statements From Promoter Of Cancelled Troops Benefit Concert "Distorted", "Potentially Libelous"

TWISTED SISTER's website has been updated with the following:

"On October 24th, 2007, Twisted Sister signed a contract with Danny Peykoff, Niagara Distributing, for a performance scheduled to take place on December 14th, 2007 at the Bren Events Center at UCI.

Mr. Peykoff represented himself on behalf of his company, Niagara Distributing to hire the band for a "corporate fundraiser."

The band negotiated this appearance in good faith and was fully prepared to perform the show as contracted. The band flew to California from New York on Wednesday, December 12th. Later that day, the band learned the performance had been cancelled through various postings on internet sites.

At no time did Mr. Peykoff contact the band or the band's representatives directly with any notice of cancellation.

As is the nature with any professionally contracted live performance, deposits are kept if the promoter cancels the show, just as deposits are returned if the band cancels the show. In lieu of booking a concert in San Diego, the band committed to the contracted December 14th, 2007 performance and was ready to perform.

Mr. Peykoff's statements to the press are a complete distortion of the facts, and due to the inflammatory nature of his accusations, are potentially libelous.

A future statement from the band will be forthcoming."
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