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 Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT ) Empty
MessageSujet: Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT )   Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT ) EmptyDim 20 Aoû - 21:39

Guitarist Alex Grossi: "There Is No B.S. With QUIET RIOT"
Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT ) Ag3qr02vg0 ( ) has issued an interview with QUIET RIOT guitarist Alex Grossi, conducted by Deb Rao, in which he discusses working with Quiet Riot and his new guitar endorsement.

The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Alex, it is so good to see that you are touring with Quiet Riot again. How does it feel to be playing with one of the top bands from the 80's again?
A: "It feels great to be working, Kevin and Frankie are a blast to tour with, there is no B.S. with Quiet Riot - more bands should run their shit that way."
Q: It is cool to see that Chuck Wright has also returned. How does it feel to be performing with Chuck again?
A: "Chuck and I have always got along, I think surviving the Bad Boys Of Metal tour together made us pretty close right off the bat!"
Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT ) Ag102jq6

Check out the full interview at this location.
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Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT )
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