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 Guitarist ALEX GROSSI (quiet riot)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Guitarist ALEX GROSSI  (quiet riot) Empty
MessageSujet: Guitarist ALEX GROSSI (quiet riot)   Guitarist ALEX GROSSI  (quiet riot) EmptyMer 9 Jan - 23:01

Guitarist ALEX GROSSI Schedules NAMM Appearances

Guitarist Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT) has issued the following update:

"Well it's that time of year again... If you are going to be in southern California the weekend on January 17th - 20th and are planning on attending the NAMM show, be sure to stop by the Paul Reed Smith Guitars booth and say hello.

Alex Grossi's Paul Reed Smith Guitars autograph sessions are as follows:

17 - Paul Reed Smith Guitars/Booth 5320 - 12 PM
19 - Paul Reed Smith Guitars/Booth 5320 - 2 PM

...And if the convention hasn't completley sucked the life out of you, come on out to The Cat Club later that night and party with Paul Reed Smith endosees and HOOKERS N' BLOW. Passes can be aquired at the convention... see you then!"

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Guitarist ALEX GROSSI (quiet riot)
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