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 U.D.O. - Picture Galleries From European Tour

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

U.D.O. - Picture Galleries From European Tour Empty
MessageSujet: U.D.O. - Picture Galleries From European Tour   U.D.O. - Picture Galleries From European Tour EmptyVen 28 Déc - 21:05

U.D.O. - Picture Galleries From European Tour Available

U.D.O. - Picture Galleries From European Tour 80313

U.D.O. have posted several picture galleries from their recent European tour with PRIMAL FEAR on their official website. Gigs in Germany (Stuttgart, Hamburg, Braunschweig, Tuttlingen), Switzerland (Zürich) and Belarus (Minsk) are showcased. Go to this location and click on "Galleries" to check them out.

As previously reported, Sweden's Aftonbladet WebTV has posted a two-minute U.D.O. feature online. Go to this location to check it out. The interview portion of the footage is in English with Swedish subtitles.

In addition, a Christmas gift to the fans, U.D.O. recently posted a previously unreleased Making Of documentary for their 'Mean Streets' video in the multimedia section of their official website. Fans should note that the commentary/interview portions are in German. Go to this location and click on "Multimedia" to check it out.
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