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 SCORPIONS - A Look Into 2008

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: SCORPIONS - A Look Into 2008   SCORPIONS - A Look Into 2008 EmptySam 29 Déc - 13:35

SCORPIONS - A Look Into 2008

SCORPIONS' ScorpsNews blog has been updated with the following message from Scott Johnson:

"Scorpions - Thanks for a great 2007 and hoping for an even better 2008...

I hope in early January the Scorpions will make an announcement on their touring/band plans for 2008... If so i will post ASAP... Here are a few things that might happen in 2008:

1) It looks like a Second Edition of the Living Tour of Russia will begin in early April and end April 25th in Moscow.

2) James Kottak was quoted in the latest 22nd Century Rock Magazine saying that the Scorpions are planning an extensive USA tour starting around May 1st and there will be 60 to 70 shows scheduled...

3) I expect the Scorpions to go back to Japan and Germany for more shows...

4) Hopefully they will play Australia in 2008

5) And hopefully The Wacken DVD show will be released early 2008 in North America...

6) And maybe they will announce if there will be another new studio CD in the future... Hopefully a Humanity Hour 2 with Desmond Child and James Michael producing...

7) How about a New Live 2CD set from the Humanity Tour... maybe a title that connects the old with the new... Call it World Wide Humanity Live.

All Scorpions fans should be thankful that 2007 was a successful year for the band. They released a great new CD. With all fans and rock critics around the world saying it was their best since Crazy World (1990). They played over 70 shows this past year and traveled all over the world.

And 2008 looks like it might even be a better year from the guys. I would like to thank everyone this year in making our new Scorpions site a success. A lot of fans around the world emailed me alot of great Scorpions news and articles this year. There was not enough space to name all of you. But you know who you are and thank you so much for your support. I also want to thank Gil Morton without him this site would not be here. Thanks so much Gil for your hard work. I think what we discussed back in February about what we wanted to achieve with this site is working. I look forward to working with you in 2008.


Happy New Year to the Scorpions and all of the FOS members all around the World!!!"

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