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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: AEROSMITH   AEROSMITH EmptySam 29 Déc - 20:40

AEROSMITH Highest Paid Entertainment Act In California Mid-State Fair History

According to Leah Etling from, AEROSMITH grossed more than $750,000 as the highest paid entertainment act in California Mid-State Fair history, The Tribune has learned.

On top of its $750,000 flat fee, the band received 70 percent of the gross ticket sales over $830,000 from its sold-out show, according to the performer’s entertainment contract with the Mid-State Fair. Tickets for the show were $52 and $78. The fair’s Main Grandstand Arena seats more than 15,000.

Aerosmith’s fee represented a sizeable portion of the entire $2.8 million spent on entertainment for the 2007 fair. Expected total revenues from entertainment are about $3.1 million, according to fair Chief Executive Officer Vivian Robertson.

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