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 The Top Metal Riff-Albums Of All Time;

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

The Top Metal Riff-Albums Of All Time; Empty
MessageSujet: The Top Metal Riff-Albums Of All Time;   The Top Metal Riff-Albums Of All Time; EmptyLun 31 Déc - 1:12

The Top Metal Riff-Albums Of All Time; BLACK SABBATH, SLAYER, DIAMOND HEAD Lead The Way
The Top Metal Riff-Albums Of All Time; 80405

Leading Japanese rock magazine Burrn! have done a piece titled Think About The Riffs in which it cites DIAMOND HEAD's Lightning To The Nations album as the third greatest album for riffs following BLACK SABBATH's Master Of Reality and SLAYER's Reign In Blood. The article went on to say "Brian's (Tatler - guitarist) riff making ability was outstanding in the NWOBHM bands and the riffs in Lightning To The Nations album were create new era of HR/HM music!"

The Diamond Head website adds: "This is a great achievement for Diamond Head considering the relative obscurity of the album when compared to other albums in the chart."

Think About The Riffs Top Ten:

1) BLACK SABBATH - Master Of Reality
2) SLAYER - Reign In Blood
3) DIAMOND HEAD - Lightning To The Nations
4) IRON MAIDEN - Iron Maiden
5) EXODUS - Bonded By Blood
6) METALLICA - Master Of Puppets
7) MEGADETH - Peace Sells ... But Who's Buying?
Cool MOTÖRHEAD - Ace Of Spades
9) AC/DC - Highway To Hell
10) DEEP PURPLE - In Rock

View the entire top 50 here.
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The Top Metal Riff-Albums Of All Time;
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