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 LACUNA COIL - New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: LACUNA COIL - New Album   LACUNA COIL - New Album EmptyMar 8 Jan - 0:39

LACUNA COIL - New Album Due In September

LACUNA COIL - New Album 80739

UK rock magazine Kerrang! has spoken to LACUNA COIL's Cristina Scabbia in their New Noise - Albums for 2008 article in issue 1191.

The magazine writes: "HELL YEAH!" shrieks a clearly excited Cristina Scabbia. "After Japan and the craziness, after Australia and all the parties with Megadeth, we are so ready to begining writing material for our new album after so much touring!" It's still early days for the follow-up to 2006's Karmacode, with the band still piecing the songs together and seeking the right producer. But the sound, according to Scabbia, will "leave you with your mouths open. We want to experiment, wewant to try something completely different, something that will rock your faces more than ever while still being Lacuna Coil"

The article has the, as yet untitled album, due for release in September.

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