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 Gibson To Issue Eight New SLASH-Branded Guitars

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Gibson To Issue Eight New SLASH-Branded Guitars   Gibson To Issue Eight New SLASH-Branded Guitars EmptyJeu 10 Jan - 18:42

Gibson To Issue Eight New SLASH-Branded Guitars

Gibson To Issue Eight New SLASH-Branded Guitars 81082

According to Tamara Conniff from the, Gibson is going to release eight new SLASH-branded guitars. The campaign is so important to Henry Juszkiewicz, chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar, that he is taking the company's exciting Slash guitars off the market to create even more hype around the new ones.

Why eight? "Price points," Juszkiewicz says. "They're going to go from cheap to high-end custom, personally signed by Slash."

The Slash series will appear in stores March 15, and the guitarist and Juszkiewicz already are plotting a big stunt around the street date.

(Photo: Mitch Lafon)
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