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 Versailles Records Seeking Unsigned, LED ZEPPELIN

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Versailles Records Seeking Unsigned, LED ZEPPELIN Empty
MessageSujet: Versailles Records Seeking Unsigned, LED ZEPPELIN   Versailles Records Seeking Unsigned, LED ZEPPELIN EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 19:44

Versailles Records Seeking Unsigned, LED ZEPPELIN-Influenced Bands For Tribute Sampler CD

Versailles Records reports:

"In the summer of 2008, Versailles Records will be issuing a LED ZEPPELIN tribute, for which we're seeking to do something a little different with the bonus disc, which is to feature ORIGINAL rock/metal bands who sound derivatively alike or similar to Led Zeppelin in some manner (be it songwriting, vocal range, riffs, etc) performing an ORIGINAL song of yours on the sampler disc.

As with all our tributes, this album will be distributed nationally to retail outlets in the US, and each participating band will get promos, as well as a bio/pic in the CD booklet.

Interested bands should email an MP3 of their submittal song or a web link (MySpace perferably) where we can check out
your sound before getting back in touch with further details regarding a formal spot on the CD sampler.

All interested bands should email for further details."
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