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 DOKKEN Vocalist Don Dokken

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

DOKKEN Vocalist Don Dokken Empty
MessageSujet: DOKKEN Vocalist Don Dokken   DOKKEN Vocalist Don Dokken EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 20:25

DOKKEN Vocalist Don Dokken: "Everyone Had Life Stuff And Families And Things That Slow You Down" has issued an interview with DOKKEN vocalist/namesake Don Dokken. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Marko Syrjälä:

Q: What is happening with new the Dokken album LIGHTNING STRIKES BACK? It’s been in the works for about two years now?

A: "Yeah it’s been two years. There have just been a lot of setbacks. We toured in America and did festivals and things like that. I lost my voice for a while and that was like what can you do?

The record was written like two years ago and I had about seven or eight songs but the record company didn’t like them. They thought they were too modern and Jon agreed and said we should do more old-school stuff so he rewrote the album and made it more classic with catchy guitar riffs and catchphrases.

Then I had to rethink and try to go back twenty years and I understand. It’s difficult you know, you get older and you change. So, we basically wrote the album twice. I spent a year writing out then threw it out and started over and that took a couple months.

And just life stuff, everyone has life stuff and families and things that slow you down. This summer was just like doing shows, making quick money and we did the same thing every weekend. You go out and play Friday or Saturday night, come back on Sunday but then you’re tired on Monday. Then you have a couple days to write and then do it over again.

Right when I was ready to do the album and finish it, my voice just died because I was just stupid. I was just being an idiot and wasn’t taking care of myself and getting out of shape. I thought we would go to Europe to promote the record and that’s why we’re here. We promised we would come so here we are. My word is my word."

Read the full interview at
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