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 Alex Beyrodt (silent force) )

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Alex Beyrodt (silent force) ) Empty
MessageSujet: Alex Beyrodt (silent force) )   Alex Beyrodt (silent force) ) EmptyMer 23 Aoû - 20:35

SILENT FORCE Guitarist, Bassist Schedule German Clinic Date In September
Alex Beyrodt (silent force) ) 49727na4

SILENT FORCE guitarist Alex Beyrodt will appear at the 10th Saarlaendische Musikmesse in Sulzbach, Germany, on September 10th, doing a clinic for Crate Amps. As well, bassist Jürgen Steinmetz will also be doing an Ampeg clinic. For more info visit . As previously reported, Silent Force are putting the finishing touches to their upcoming album, Walk The Earth, due out through AFM Records in October.
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Alex Beyrodt (silent force) )
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