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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TURISAS   TURISAS EmptyMar 19 Fév - 23:06

TURISAS Prepares For North American Debut; The Varangian Way Tour Edition To Feature Bonus DVD

Finnish warmongers TURISAS are set to invade North American shores this upcoming spring as part of Pagenfest 2008, which also features their fellow countrymen ENSIFERUM, TÝR and ELUVEITIE.

This trek, which kicks off on April 25th, is in support of the group’s new album, The Varangian Way. The disc is going to be re-released on April 29th and this special tour edition package features a bonus DVD jammed packed with live performance footage.

See below for the complete list of bonus content and visit this location for complete up to the date information and current touring itinerary.

The Varangian Way Bonus DVD Content:

1) 'Rasputin' (video clip)
2) 'Battle Metal' (live ) - Recorded at Rock Hard Festival 2007
3) 'To Holmgard And Beyond' (live)
4) 'In The Court Of Jarisleif' (live)
5) 'Battle Metal' (live) - Filmed live at Download Festival
6) 'Battle Metal' (live) - Recorded at With Full Force 2007

Be sure to check out Turisas' MySpace page to view their new video for 'Rasputin' and to sample various tracks.

Central to The Varangian Way is the group’s concept of a journey through the East-European river route through the lands of modern day East Europe. The Northmen who traveled this path in the 9th-11th centuries were called Varangians. Key to the album’s concept is a search for self and identity, both of which are explored by the protagonist in The Varangian Way’s eight songs. Truly a display of the band’s dedication to the conceptual elements of the album, Turisas made sure to include cultural influences from the lands the Varangians would have traveled through.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TURISAS   TURISAS EmptyJeu 27 Mar - 18:53

une video a l'occasion de leur tournée, avec message du groupe :

Currently laying waste to European venues, Finnish folk/metal overlords TURISAS have issued a video message which can be viewed below.

TURISAS is set to invade North American shores this upcoming spring as part of Paganfest 2008, which also features fellow Finns ENSIFERUM, TYR and ELUVEITIE. This Metal Maniacs-sponsored trek, which kicks off on April 25, is in support of the group's critically acclaimed new album, "The Varangian Way". The critically acclaimed disc is going to be re-released on April 29 and this special tour edition package features a bonus DVD jam-packed with live performance footage.

"The Varangian Way" bonus DVD content:

01. Rasputin (video clip)
02. Battle Metal (live) (recorded at Rock Hard Festival 2007)
03. To Holmgard And Beyond (live)
04. In The Court Of Jarisleif (live)
05. Battle Metal (live) (filmed live at Download Festival
06. Battle Metal (live) (recorded at With Full Force 2007)

Central to "The Varangian Way" is the group's concept of a journey through the East European river route through the lands of modern day East Europe. The Northmen who traveled this path in the 9th-11th centuries were called Varangians. Key to the album's concept is a search for self and identity, both of which are explored by the protagonist in "The Varangian Way"'s eight songs. Truly a display of the band's dedication to the conceptual elements of the album, TURISAS made sure to include cultural influences from the lands the Varangians would have traveled through.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TURISAS   TURISAS EmptyLun 12 Mai - 20:38

TURISAS Cancel Dates In Phoenix, Albuquerque

TURISAS T89343 Finland's TURISAS posted the following update at their MySpace page yesterday:

"We know that this comes a bit late, but tonight's show has been cancelled, as well as the one on May 13th. Sorry for the late information, we only got confirmation yesterday ourselves.

On the other note, the tour has been really great and the audience reception awesome. Thanks for everybody who have showed up, and you who still haven't, make sure to do something about it quick.

Oh yeah, no thanks at all to the asshole who stole Olli's vest from near the backstage door at the Avalon, Santa Clara. Hope you're having fun with the sweat & paint soaken glam costume!"

See Turisas' complete tour itinerary here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TURISAS   TURISAS EmptySam 18 Oct - 18:02

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TURISAS   TURISAS EmptySam 18 Oct - 18:03

c'est au tour d'un DVD, c'est pour le 3 novembre pour la France, voila un trailer bien fait, tout en Flash, qui restitue l'interface du DVD, 3 titres en extraits sont visibles, avec des tenues très flashy

An e-card for "A Finnish Summer With Turisas", the first-ever DVD from Finnish folk metal overlords TURISAS, is available at this location. A video trailer for the set can be viewed below.

In the summer of 2008, TURISAS set out to play more shows across its home country Finland than ever before. With "A Finnish Summer With Turisas", you can join them on their road trip, learn the secrets of sauna and other Finnish traditions on the nights when the sun never sets. Travel from festival to festival and go behind the scenes to find out what makes TURISAS a one-of-a-kind blend of music, traditions, fur, blood and fun.

"A Finnish Summer With Turisas" will be world-premiered on November 1 at the Ultima Ratio Festival in Oberhausen, Germany. The DVD will be shown during change-over in a separate room, so you can get the full Finnish flavor on a really big screen!

In other news, TURISAS has posted a video for "Battle Metal 2008". According to a press release, "it is high time to finally have an official videoclip for this battle hymn which is also a tribute to the band's dedicated fans (without whom there is obviously no such thing as a crowd favorite)."
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