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 TURISAS Issue Video

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: TURISAS Issue Video   TURISAS Issue Video EmptyMer 26 Mar - 20:02

TURISAS Issue Video Greetings From European Tour With NORTHER

TURISAS Issue Video 86194

Currently laying waste to European venues, Finnish folk/metal overlords TURISAS send the following video greetings:

And don’t forget about the Turisas “Face In The Crowd”contest: On each of the upcoming shows Turisas will take a picture of the audience every night from the stage and pick out one face randomly from the crowd. That person will be the lucky winner of an impressive Turisas fan package, including a signed tour poster with war paint hand prints on it, a signed 'fan extraordinaire' tour pass, a guitar pick, a lighter and, of course, a printed and signed version of your photo in the crowd. To win, all you have to do is make sure you catch Turisas on one of their many shows, rock out in the crowd and be picked as the lucky one.

After the show make sure to check here regularly for your face and if you are the chosen one, take a picture of yourself holding the ticket of the show (so please make sure you keep it) and send an email with that picture of yours plus the exact date and place of the show to the following address:
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