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 TROUBLE Singer Eric Wagner -

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TROUBLE Singer Eric Wagner - Empty
MessageSujet: TROUBLE Singer Eric Wagner -   TROUBLE Singer Eric Wagner - EmptyLun 10 Mar - 19:29

TROUBLE Singer Eric Wagner - "I've Been Feelin' Like Shit For A Very Long Time"

TROUBLE Singer Eric Wagner - T85197 TROUBLE vocalist Eric Wagner has issued the following update:

"How ya doin'?

Just wanted to say 'hey', and to apologize for not keeping up with all of you on Trouble's and my own Space. As a matter of fact, I had to blow mine up and start over. I hope that we can all still be friends.

Please, be patient with me. I'm not very good with computers. I mean we get along, but I would never go out for a beer with one and besides, it doesn't help matters none that I don't have a computer right now.

Recently, I visited both sites at a friend's and I found that a lot of you were asking me how I was doin'. I really appreciated it and I started to wonder if there was a reason for your concern or was it just your way of saying 'hi'. The truth is, I've been feelin' like shit for a very long time. My mind, body, and soul felt like they were all goin' in different directions.

Then one day, I met someone who said they could help me become one again, and for the first time in my life, something is working. I thought that I would turn you on to it if you need so for your very own customized, natural treatment for your mind and body, (you'll need God for the soul part), go to , and take the Nutri-Physical.

I'm not all the way there yet. My body has some catching up to do, but it's getting better every day. I know that everything is goin' to be okay. Wouldn't it be nice if we all started to feel good about ourselves and each other?

Peace & Love,

Trouble Eric.

P.S. Dream, Hope, Imagine, Create, Inspire, Believe, & Become."
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