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 ESP - Interview Available With Eric Singer, Bruce Kulick

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: ESP - Interview Available With Eric Singer, Bruce Kulick   ESP -  Interview Available With Eric Singer, Bruce Kulick EmptyMar 7 Aoû - 23:58

ESP - Exclusive Interview Available With Eric Singer, Bruce Kulick

KISS Kollector Online reports:

"In March, Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick were interviewed by Belgian TV (for a documentary on KISS fans to be aired later this year) while they were touring Europe with ESP. The interview has now been transcribed for the French KISS fansite Diamond Noir."

The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Philippe Saintes:

Q: KISS has been absent from Europe for 10 years, but ESP was on a 2-week visit here. This band is sort of getting together as needed?

Eric Singer: "That’s right. We play once or twice a year when Bruce, Chuck (Garric), John (Corabi) and I can get together, because we all have different commitments. It is a great opportunity to play songs from our respective former bands or classic songs that we like from bands that we respect or influenced us."

Bruce Kulick: "There was one new element this year, though. We had two projects to support: a live CD recorded in Japan and a DVD from a show filmed in Sydney. We looked almost like a real band, even though we only play together for a few shows, like Eric said."

Read the full interview at this location.

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