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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: BRUCE KULICK - "ERIC SINGER   BRUCE KULICK - "ERIC SINGER EmptyDim 14 Jan - 21:12


BRUCE KULICK - "ERIC SINGER T58324 Former KISS guitarist BRUCE KULICK has updated his studio blog with the following entry:

"With my trip to South America and then the holidays, it has been a while since I got into the studio for recording my new solo disc BK 3. Last Saturday, January 6th, I was finally able to have my close friend and ESP (the band) partner Eric Singer cut drums for a great heavy song. I saved this one for Eric, and when you hear it you will all understand. Right now the title is just 'Rocker' as it has the classic rock vibe from my days with KISS.

Eric had some ideas for extending the ending when I first played it for him a while back. He really got comfortable, breaking some sticks from hitting hard, sweating it out, and just overall giving the track a great feel. Like (drummer) Brent Fitz back in early December, Eric played along with the Pro Tools Demo session for the song. Jeremy Rubolino, my co-producer and co-writer, was quite happy and of course can't wait to cut the real guitars and bass on this track, as Eric did a perfect job of getting the vibe we wanted.

To complete the fun that day, I just got an original 1979 Paul Stanley Ibanez guitar in great shape. I had to show it off to everyone, and I know I will record with this guitar. Can't wait to show to Paul, as he is the authority on his signature model. This one shows the age, but is in excellent shape. My good friend Ken Gullic who works for Fontana, the distribution company that is putting out the KISSOLOGY DVDs, came out to give some goodies to Eric and my brother Bob, and of course check out the music and the surprise of the guitar being at the session. We had a great afternoon; even Joe (the dog) came down and posed in the guitar case!

Thanks to Brett Chassen for his engineering, my brother Bob for his studio time at his Office Studios in Van Nuys, and of course to Eric for his time and talent. Jeremy and I were really excited to do this session and all came out amazing. Thanks to my buddy Ed Seelig from Silver String Music in St. Louis for the great deal on the Paul Stanley guitar.

More when I get back in the studio. Looks like the very top of February as I have some things coming up schedule wise. (NAMM, etc.) One more thing, thanks for all the CD title names. So far I haven't seen the right one (but keep sending suggestions!), so for now the working title is sticking. For now... BK 3
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