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 BRUCE KULICK - More KKB 1974 Samples Available

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: BRUCE KULICK - More KKB 1974 Samples Available   BRUCE KULICK - More KKB 1974 Samples Available EmptyLun 21 Avr - 22:37

BRUCE KULICK - More KKB 1974 Samples Available

BRUCE KULICK - More KKB 1974 Samples Available T87900 Former KISS guitarist BRUCE KULICK's KKB release - which was recorded in September, 1974 - will be officially released at the New York KISS Expo on May 3rd, and then available directly from Bruce, as a strictly limited hand-signed and numbered edition, from his website.

The CD features: 'I'll Never Take You Back', 'My Baby', 'You've Got A Hold On Me', 'Tryin' To Find A Way', 'Someday', 'You Won't Be There', 'To Be Free', 'You Won't Be There' (Alternate Jam Take).

Album samples can be found at this location.

According to a recent press release, "the material was the work of an unnamed band that Bruce was a member of, along with Mike Katz (bass) and Guy Bois (drums), and is in a 'CREAM meets YES' style."
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BRUCE KULICK - More KKB 1974 Samples Available
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