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 FREEDOM CALL Vocalist CHRIS BAY Hits The Road With One Man R

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

FREEDOM CALL Vocalist CHRIS BAY Hits The Road With One Man R Empty
MessageSujet: FREEDOM CALL Vocalist CHRIS BAY Hits The Road With One Man R   FREEDOM CALL Vocalist CHRIS BAY Hits The Road With One Man R EmptyDim 30 Mar - 14:48

FREEDOM CALL Vocalist CHRIS BAY Hits The Road With One Man Rock Show

FREEDOM CALL frontman Chris Bay has launched a new project called CHRIS ROXX THE BOXX - One Man Rock Show and is taking it on the road in his native Germany. Along with songs fron the Freedom Call catalogue he will
be performing cover songs from METALLICA, MANOWAR, NIRVANA, HIM and several other artists. His live schedule is currently as follows:

1 - Miltenberg - Beavers
16 - Neckarsteinach - Bliggers

For more information (in German) go to this location.
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FREEDOM CALL Vocalist CHRIS BAY Hits The Road With One Man R
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