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EPICA - New Interview  SIMONE SIMONS Empty
MessageSujet: EPICA - New Interview SIMONE SIMONS   EPICA - New Interview  SIMONE SIMONS EmptyDim 30 Mar - 14:51

EPICA - New Interview With Vocalist SIMONE SIMONS Available

EPICA - New Interview  SIMONE SIMONS 86405

As previously reported, EPICA will play a special show under the banner Classical Conspiracy on June 14th at Miskolc International Opera Festival in Hungary. The band will perform classical pieces from Mozart, Dvorak, Verdi, Orff, Prokofiev, Grieg, Vivaldi and symphonic versions of thet own songs. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Epica vocalist Simone Simons conducted by the event organizers:

You can read a brandnew interview with Simone Simons on the Opera-Rock Show official website:

Q: First of all the most important question: how are you doing?

Simone: "At the moment it is ok. The illness is not gone yet and I have to rest a lot. Thanks to a lot of support of the fans I feel much better. It is just that it is a very strong bacteria which doesn’t go away that easy."

Q:Let’s talk about the classical show. What was your first idea when you heard about the invitation of Miskolc International Opera Festival?

Simone: "I was waiting for an opportunity like this and am happy that it is finally happening. I am very much looking forward to it. Classical music plays quite a big part in our music and to perform with a whole orchestra instead of what we normal do, is fantastic!

Q: Epica is going to play classical pieces and Epica songs as well. How do you prepare for the classical pieces? Have you sung classical songs before?

Simone: "I have had classical singing lessons for 4 years. I have sung quite some classical pieces and musical songs. Now I will prepare for this show with some extra singing lessons. I had a break of the singing lessons because I was too busy lately."

this location for the complete interview.

For information on the Classical Conspiracy show click here. The information is available in Hungarian and English.

A promo video for the Classical Conspiracy show is available below:
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