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 Summer's End Festival 2008 -

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Summer's End Festival 2008 - Empty
MessageSujet: Summer's End Festival 2008 -   Summer's End Festival 2008 - EmptyLun 31 Mar - 19:47

Summer's End Festival 2008 - Further Details Revealed

Summer's End Festival 2008 ( is scheduled to take place September 26th - 28th at The Hall in Lydney, Gloucestershire, England.

Tickets go on sale April 1st at 10 AM for the festival, except tickets for individual days, which will go in sale on May 1st at 10 AM.

The bill is shaping up as follows (with one more band to be announced for the final day):

Friday, September 26th: THRESHOLD, SEASON'S END.

Saturday, September 27th: IQ, MAGENTA, QUIDAM, ABARAX, OVERVIBE.

Sunday, September 28th: THE TANGENT, FROST, ABEL GANZ, G.L.O.W.

On sale from April 1st:

1. Gold Tickets - £100 plus £4 booking fee per ticket for all credit card, debit card and Paypal payments. This is your chance to contribute towards the future of the festival while also getting a package of goodies that includes a couple of exclusive items. Gold tickets are unlimited in number.

Gold ticket package:

- Standard 3 day Festival Ticket
- Festival T-shirt (in your size)
- A copy of the Festival programme with your name on the 'sponsors' page
- A voucher to be spent online at for £12
- A personalised laminated souvenir pass for the festival

2. Standard 3 day ticket - £55 plus £2 booking fee.
3. Standard 2 day (Saturday / Sunday) ticket £45 plus £2 booking fee.

On Sale from May 1st:

4. Friday night ticket - £12.50 plus £0.50 booking fee.
5. Day Tickets - Saturday or Sunday only £27 plus £1 booking fee.

(thanks: Threshold)
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