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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: HYDROGYN   HYDROGYN EmptyVen 4 Avr - 19:34

HYDROGYN Sign Worldwide, Three Album Deal With Demolition Records Imprint DR2 Records

Demolition Records reports:

"Demolition Records would like to announce the signing of Ashland, Kentucky-based rockers HYDROGYN to the UK based label DR2.

This signing comes on the heels of the band's success with their Billboard charting Bombshell release in 2006, Strip'em Blind Live CD
success in 2007, coupled with their relentless touring in Europe over 2007.

"This is exactly what we were looking for, and the label we were looking to do it with", said Jeff Westlake of the band.

He also went on to say, "We feel Demolition has a great focus on their future, they know what they want to do, and have the unique drive that we were looking for in a label to get the job done."

Ged Cook of Demolition stated, “We welcome Hydro to Demolition family. It really is going to be a pleasure working with them throughout the world.”

The deal is a world-wide three album deal that will start with the first of those releases, Deadly Passions, coming in June, worldwide.

The new album was recorded in Huntington, West Virginia's Smash Hits Studio. They have also signed with a new manager, Dean Swett at the Paramour Group, ( who is planning to have the band very busy supporting the new release throughout the world in 2008.

2007 was a very busy year for the band, not only touring, but also finding new management, and a new label.

Keep your eyes on and for touring developments as we get closer to the release in June."
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