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 TARJA TURUNEN - Warm Up Concerts 2007:

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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TARJA TURUNEN - Warm Up Concerts 2007: Live Video On YouTube

TARJA TURUNEN - Warm Up Concerts 2007: 87698

The web team for TARJA TURUNEN (ex-NIGHTWISH) have issued the following:


The songs from the Warm Up Concerts 2007 show filmed last December 8th in Kuusankoski, Finland, are now available exclusively on YouTube.

Thanks to Tarja, the band, crew members, film crew and Universal Music for offering this show for everybody.

For those hardcore fans that would like to have the complete concert in high quality including the speeches between songs and accurate running order, we’ll let you know soon how you will be able to get it."

Check out the clips at the following locations:'Boy And The Ghost', 'Passion & The Opera', 'My Little Phoenix', 'Sing For Me', 'Damned And Divine', 'Ciarán's Well', 'Our Great Divide', 'The Phantom Of The Opera', 'Oasis', 'Walking In The Air', 'You Would Have Loved This', 'Poison', 'I Walk Alone', 'Calling Grace'.

Check out 'Lost Northern Star' below...
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