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 Guitarist Christian Hector Leaves MIDNATTSOL

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Guitarist Christian Hector Leaves MIDNATTSOL Empty
MessageSujet: Guitarist Christian Hector Leaves MIDNATTSOL   Guitarist Christian Hector Leaves MIDNATTSOL EmptyVen 2 Mai - 17:21

Guitarist Christian Hector Leaves MIDNATTSOL

Guitarist Christian Hector Leaves MIDNATTSOL T88686 Nordic folk metallers MIDNATTSOL have issued the following update:

"Hello Midnattsol folks,

Three days ago we got a bad message. Our guitarist Christian Hector has decided to leave Midnattsol. Christian describes the reasons for this step in the following statement:

"Ahoi Midnattfolks,

It's been some years since Carmen and me started out forming Midnattsol. Now it's time for me to move on and experience new musical directions. My decision is due to the musical development of the band, the lack of time for family and friends and last but not least my second band AHAB. I'd like to focus on the work along with my dear friend Daniel Droste and Cornelius Althammer.

Nonetheless, I still call everyone in Midnattsol my dearest friends, too! And I guess we'll have too much beer together again quite soon ;-).

So - as you see - this decision is not born from quarrels, controversy or dispute with Chris, Birgit, Carmen, and the two Daniels. It's just, my musical way will be a different one, now.

I enjoyed being part of this for the last five years and I guess, I'll probably join one or the other of Midnattsol for some other musical projects in the future. May it be folk, rock, metal or whatever. We'll see.

I wish Midnattsol good luck with NORDLYS and the best for their further career.

Farewell, proud men and women!

Christian Hector."

We really regret his leaving of the band after 6 common Midnattsol-years. It was a great time and we have gone through many ups and downs together. Without him Midnattsol surely would not have gone the way where we are today – for this reason we have prepared a slideshow with some of the nicest scenes of Christian`s time at Midnattsol. Thank you very much for the wonderful time and all the best for the future!!

Carmen, Birgit, Daniel D., Daniel F., Chris."
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Guitarist Christian Hector Leaves MIDNATTSOL
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