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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: CARL DIXON   CARL DIXON EmptySam 3 Mai - 13:47

CARL DIXON - "Everything Will Eventually Heal, Except The Eye, Which I Will Probably Lose"

Canadian rocker CARL DIXON (ex-CONEY HATCH, THE GUESS WHO) is currently in an Australian hospital recuperating from a tragic car crash that occurred on Monday, April 14th that left him critically injured. He successfully pulled himself out of a coma to consciousness recently and was taken off medically assisted breathing and began to talk.

The following new report is courtesy of Mark Bonokoski from the

The numbers are dialed, via the operator on the line, and the phone finally rings at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

It is 8 AM, Toronto time, and 10 PM, Down Under.

A cheerful nurse takes a portable phone down the hallway and hands it to a patient who, just a few days ago, was in a medically induced coma following a head-on collision that left him trapped in the wreckage for almost two hours until he was finally extracted and airlifted to Melbourne.

Carl Dixon provides a visual. Half a world away, his voice comes across strong but strained. "Both legs in casts," he says, "but not suspended. Right hand broken, right eye badly damaged ... probably weeks before I can even try to get on my feet. Everything will eventually heal, except the eye, which I will probably lose.

"Other than that, I feel blessed."

Carl Dixon, lead singer in the post-Burton Cummings GUESS WHO, former front man for Toronto's CONEY HATCH, occasional touring player with APRIL WINE, solo artist, etc., is lucky to be alive, and with no internal injuries.

"The most amazing thing, beyond surviving what I cannot remember, is the outpouring of goodwill, love and affection since the accident," he says.

"It's been truly uplifting."

Read more here.
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