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 CARL DIXON Benefit Show - More Live Footage..........

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

CARL DIXON Benefit Show - More Live Footage.......... Empty
MessageSujet: CARL DIXON Benefit Show - More Live Footage..........   CARL DIXON Benefit Show - More Live Footage.......... EmptyMar 11 Nov - 14:01

CARL DIXON Benefit Show - More Live Footage Of BRIGHTON ROCK, RUSS DWARF And HELIX Available

As previously reported, on Thursday October 30th, 2008 at the Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto, HELIX, ANDY CURRAN & SOHO 69, BRIGHTON ROCK and RUSS DWARF performed a concert to benefit Carl Dixon (CONEY HATCH) and his family. Proceeds from the event went to defray the costs associated with Dixon's near fatal car accident that occurred four months ago in Australia.

More footage from the event has surfaced on YouTube at this location. A few samples appear below.

Go to this location for BW&BK's recent interview with Dixon about his accident and recovery.

Brighton Rock - 'Power Overload'

Carl Dixon
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CARL DIXON Benefit Show - More Live Footage..........
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