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 SONATA ARCTICA - Live Footage, Photos From Milan

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: SONATA ARCTICA - Live Footage, Photos From Milan   SONATA ARCTICA - Live Footage, Photos From Milan EmptyJeu 22 Nov - 23:01

SONATA ARCTICA - Live Footage, Photos From Milan Date Available

Musica Metal (Italy) has issued video footage and photos taken at SONATA ARCTICA's gig at Milan's Alcatraz venue on November 19th.

The gig setlist included:
'In Black And White',
'Paid In Full',
'Victoria's Secret',
'8th Commandment',
'Black Sheep',
'It Won't Fade',
'San Sebastian',
'My Land',
'Don't Say A Word',
'The Cage'.

Check out video footage here and a report and pictures here.
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