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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ELDRITCH  New Live DVD Empty
MessageSujet: ELDRITCH New Live DVD   ELDRITCH  New Live DVD EmptyDim 4 Mai - 14:18

ELDRITCH Mixing, Editing New Live DVD

ELDRITCH  New Live DVD 88780

Italian metallers ELDRITCH have issued the following update:

"The band is working on the editing and sound mixing of the DVD and double live CD. Soon they'll start writing new songs (something is already on the coal). What else??? It's getting pretty warm here in Italy and this marvellous sightseeing of the sea will surely give the guys some kind of 'Bay Area' inspiration for song-writing! Moreover PEK has been staying in Davis (60 miles from San Francisco and the Bay Area) up to the end of August and he is composing too!! Ok, further info will come in the next bulletins."
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