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 U.D.O. - live dvd

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: U.D.O. - live dvd   U.D.O. - live dvd EmptyDim 11 Mai - 19:01

U.D.O. - Picture Gallery And Setlist From Three Hour Show / Live DVD Shoot Available

U.D.O. - live dvd 89288

A picture gallery from U.D.O.'s special three hour show in Tuttlingen, Germany on May 3rd is available at this location. Click on "Gallery" to view.

As previously reported, the show was filmed for a DVD, due out by the end of the year.
The setlist on the night was as follows:
'They Want War',
'The Bullet And The Bomb',
'Midnight Mover',
'Mission No. X',
'Midnight Highway',
'The Wrong Side Of Midnight',
- guitar solo - ,
'Princess Of The Dawn',
'One Lone Voice',
'Living For Tonite',
- drum solo - ,
'Man And Machine',
'Animal House',
'Metal Heart',
'Balls To The Wall',
'Fast As A Shark',
'I'm A Rebel'.
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