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 Today's Classic Metal Shows ...

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Today's Classic Metal Shows ... Empty
MessageSujet: Today's Classic Metal Shows ...   Today's Classic Metal Shows ... EmptyDim 1 Juin - 1:26

Today's Classic Metal Shows To Feature PAUL GILBERT, RICHIE KOTZEN, ICARUS WITCH

BW&BK has received the following update from The Classic Metal Show regarding their shows tonight (May 31st):

CMS Radio Network 9 PM-3 AM EST:
This week on The Classic Metal Show, Neeley and Chris will do something that they don't do all to often. This week, they will delve into the world of guitar noodlers. To say the least though, they will be interviewing two of the best. First up, former RACER X and MR. BIG guitarist Paul Gilbert will be calling into The Classic Metal Show for the first time. Gilbert has a brand new solo album called Silence Followed By A Deafening Roar. The album finds Gilbert's trademarked brilliance on guitar, as well as some of the most interesting and melodic riffs of his entire career. We'll do a New Music Listening Party for Silence Followed By A Deafening Roar, and Paul Gilbert will stop by the show to talk about the new album as well as his past with both Mr. Big and Racer X.

Also on the show, we'll talk with Gilbert's replacement in Mr. Big - the uber-talented shredder Richie Kotzen. Kotzen is best known for his work in Mr. Big as well as providing the only good guitar work POISON ever saw as a band, when he recorded Native Tongue with them in place of the then-departed CC DeVille. In addition to working with these major bands, Kotzen has a very long solo career in which he plays guitar and sings. His latest release, Live In San Paolo, is proof positive that Kotzen is far better a musician than your average guitar noodler. We'll feature some of the tracks from Live In San Paolo, and Richie Kotzen will call in to talk about the new release, his past experiences with Poison and Mr. Big, and whatever else comes up.

KEIF, 104.7FM, Oklahoma Saturdays 5p-7p EST: This week on The Classic Metal Show, Neeley and Chris introduce many of you to a newer band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania known as ICARUS WITCH. While many of you may not know much about Icarus Witch, you are bound to love what they do if you are a fan of traditional Classic Metal. Having just finished a nationwide tour with Trouble, Icarus Witch continue to play shows to promote their brilliant new album, Songs For The Lost. The band has played with bands including DORO, CANDLEMASS, RAVEN and FLOTSAM & JETSAM to name a few, and continue to build up a following the old fashioned way - by hard work and impressing crowds night after night. Songs For The Lost proves that they are a force to be reckoned with, and The Classic Metal Show is more than happy to bring their new music to many of you for the first time.
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