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 YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Featured On The Classic Metal Show

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Featured On The Classic Metal Show Empty
MessageSujet: YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Featured On The Classic Metal Show   YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Featured On The Classic Metal Show EmptyDim 19 Oct - 15:44

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Featured On The Classic Metal Show October 25th

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Featured On The Classic Metal Show T99137 The Classic Metal Show has issued the following update:

"This week on The Classic Metal Show one of the legends of guitar playing history, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, calls into the show for the first time. There's been a lot going on in Malmsteen's camp these days. There's a new album called Perpetual Flame, a brand new vocalist (CMS friend Tim 'Ripper' Owens), and a couple of years of sobriety under Malmsteen's belt. We'll preview a couple of songs from Perpetual Flame, and the great Yngwie J. Malmsteen will call into the show to talk about it."

The show will air on the CMS Radio Network from 9:00pm - 3:00am EST Saturday on October 25th. Go to this location to check it out.
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