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 DISBELIEF Featured On DVD Heavy Metal...

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

DISBELIEF Featured On DVD Heavy Metal... Empty
MessageSujet: DISBELIEF Featured On DVD Heavy Metal...   DISBELIEF Featured On DVD Heavy Metal... EmptyLun 22 Sep - 23:52

DISBELIEF Featured On DVD Heavy Metal; Preview Trailer Available

DISBELIEF Featured On DVD Heavy Metal... 97337

German death metallers DISBELIEF have issued the following brief update:

In 2009/2010 the DVD Heavy Metal - A Documentary will be released and also presented in German cinemas!

Beyond a lot of other bands, Disbelief were interviewed at the Metal Rulez festival in Germany for this movie! We are curious for the result!"

A preview trailer can be viewed below...
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DISBELIEF Featured On DVD Heavy Metal...
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