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 DARKEST HOUR Instructional DVD Digital

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: DARKEST HOUR Instructional DVD Digital   DARKEST HOUR Instructional DVD Digital EmptyDim 1 Juin - 12:37

DARKEST HOUR Instructional DVD Digital Download

Kris Norris from DARKEST HOUR has added to his website a direct link an option to buy his instructional DVDs for direct digital download in Ipod Mp4 format optimized for TV viewing. Each DVD is at a cost of 10$. The main difference between the digital version and the DVD version is that the DVD version is a DVD-Rom version which includes the booklet and extras including unreleased songs featured throughout the DVDS and two subtitle tracks. Within the coming weeks two more version will be available, a DIVX file for those who would like to encode it at their own specifications and a RATDVD file which for those unfamiliar is an exact copy of the DVD in one file playable of most media players without the use of a dvd or for those who would like to burn their own copies.

Says Norris: "Recently I had a huge order go out and was lost in the mail and its not being covered so I'm still in the process
of resending out replacements. After taking the money loss and due to increase in postage from higher gas prices, I decided
to try and go this digital route and hopefully it works out. The Ipod mp4 files are a tester to see how its received
and if all goes well I'll add the different file formats for people to pick and choose which version they'd like to receive.
I'm in the process of working on a DVD version which is a stand-alone executable of the DVD."
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DARKEST HOUR Instructional DVD Digital
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