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 DARKEST HOUR Shows; Video ...........

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

DARKEST HOUR  Shows; Video ........... Empty
MessageSujet: DARKEST HOUR Shows; Video ...........   DARKEST HOUR  Shows; Video ........... EmptyVen 26 Déc - 20:07

DARKEST HOUR Prepare For Homecoming Shows; Video Available

According to a band update, " took some time this week to film DARKEST HOUR as they prepared for their annual homecoming DC show. A short web-u-mentary can be seen below.

Thanks to all the kids that came out to the show and party their asses off! And thanks to all the kids who came out in NC, NJ, and Philly! It was definitely good for the boys to get back on the road! Special thanks to SKELETON WITCH, ROSE FUNERAL, AN ARIA, and THE RED CHORD for making it a kick as time! We can't wait to see all our friends in Richmond and Harrisonburg, its time to party VA style! Big announcements soon, the record is pulling itself together, and new tours are on the horizon! Tis' the season to party!"
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DARKEST HOUR Shows; Video ...........
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