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 TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available Empty
MessageSujet: TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available   TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available EmptyDim 8 Juin - 11:57

TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available

TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available 91099

Legendary Canadian rockers TRIUMPH - Rik Emmett (vocals/guitar), Mike Levine (bass/vocals) and Gil Moore (drums/vocals) - reunited tonight (June 7th) at Sweden Rock 2008 which was held in Sölvesborg, Sweden. Photos of the event can be found at
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available   TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available EmptyLun 9 Juin - 13:02

TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Setlist Revealed

TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available T91128 Legendary Canadian rockers TRIUMPH - Rik Emmett (vocals/guitar), Mike Levine (bass/vocals) and Gil Moore (drums/vocals) - reunited on June 7th at Sweden Rock 2008 which was held in Sölvesborg, Sweden - the setlist was as follows:

'When The Lights Go Down', 'Lay It On The Line', 'Allied Forces', 'Never Surrender', 'I Live For The Weekend', 'Blinding Light Show', 'Rocky Mountain Way, 'Magic Power', 'Rock And Roll Machine', 'Fight The Good Fight'.

Photos of the event can be found at

Brief video:
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available   TRIUMPH Reunite At Sweden Rock; Photos Available EmptyVen 13 Juin - 1:15

TRIUMPH's RIK EMMETT To Take Part In Humber Summer Songwriting Workshop

The Humber Summer Songwriting Workshop is scheduled for July 19th-25th and is opportunity for songwriters at all levels to immerse themselves in a truly creative, constructive, inspiring environment. Held on the beautiful, lush and green Lakeshore Campus of Humber College in Toronto, the week-long workshop boasts a great faculty and an impressive lineup of guests.

Rik Emmett, guitar hero from the legendary band TRIUMPH, will teach songwriting and how to better accompany yourself on guitar.

SAC members will enjoy a deeply-discounted price of $650, which includes lunch every day, until June 19, when the cost rises to $700. (Non-members pay $775 until June 19, when the cost rises to $825). Residence rooms are available at a nominal extra charge. Visit
for more details.

Triumph reunited on June 7th at Sweden Rock 2008 which was held in Sölvesborg, Sweden - the setlist was as follows:
'When The Lights Go Down',
'Lay It On The Line',
'Allied Forces',
'Never Surrender',
'I Live For The Weekend',
'Blinding Light Show',
'Rocky Mountain Way,
'Magic Power',
'Rock And Roll Machine',
'Fight The Good Fight'.

Footage of the band's performance can be seen below...
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