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 TRIUMPH To Dust Off At Sweden Rock

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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TRIUMPH To Dust Off "A Few Surprises" At Sweden Rock

TRIUMPH To Dust Off At Sweden Rock T90613 According to, the members of iconic Mississauga rock legends TRIUMPH are polishing up a few gems for fans who are planning to be in the rumbleseat when Canada's rock and roll machine drives down memory lane on both sides of the Atlantic.

Over the past four weeks, drummer Gil Moore, guitarist Rik Emmett and bassist Mike Levine have done their level best to put their tumultuous past behind them during intense rehearsals for scheduled performances at two major summer rock festivals. They will play together for the first time in 20 years next month in Sweden. If they survive that, they'll reprise the comeback five weeks later in Oklahoma.

During a rehearsal at Moore's legendary Metalworks studios today, the band members openly discussed their troubles of the past in a good-natured way.

"I can't wait to break up again and start the process all over," Moore said after the band had ripped through 11 of their classic hits back-to-back. They sounded like they have never been apart as they ran through unforgettable Cancon giants as 'Magic Power', 'Never Surrender' and 'When The Lights Go Down'. They also will perform a couple of tunes - 'I Live For The Weekend' and 'Blinding Light Show' - that date back to the band's earliest days.

Finally, they even have a few surprises up their collective sleeves for the hard-core fans. The arrangements for a couple of numbers, such as the anthemic 'Rock And Roll Machine', have been reworked to give the songs a 2008 feel ... all the while keeping true to their rock roots.

Read more here.

(Photo: Chris Horobin)
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