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 LAUREN HARRIS - interview

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: LAUREN HARRIS - interview   LAUREN HARRIS - interview EmptyMer 18 Juin - 13:43

LAUREN HARRIS - "Performing In Front Of People Just Didn’t Come Naturally To Me"

LAUREN HARRIS - interview 91713

Picture by Ken Pierce

Ken Pierce at recently spoke with vocalist Lauren harris, the daughter of IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris, about her solo debut Calm Before The Storm. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

PiercingMetal: Was it being the daughter of such a musician that led you to pursue this as a career path, and what is your earliest memory of when you felt you would follow in these footsteps?

Lauren Harris: "Well, I’ve been singing since I was nine years old as I started out while in school and became part of the choir and stuff like that, but then afterwards I carried on by taking professional singing lessons and then singing in pubs and stuff like that. But I never thought that I would actually be doing this because I am quite a shy person really. I’m not an extrovert or anything like that and performing in front of people just didn’t come naturally to me, and it kind of never has really. Even three years ago when I first performed with a band I didn’t know how to move or what to do with myself or carry myself. These three years I have had the chance to progress and grow and learn."

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