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 DESTINY - New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: DESTINY - New Album   DESTINY - New Album EmptyMer 25 Juin - 19:34

DESTINY - New Album Recordings Continue Following Massive Delays

DESTINY - New Album T92144 Swedish power metallers DESTINY have issued the following update:

"The recording of Destiny's new album is, after massive delays, continuing.

No one knows why it took so long but we finally completed the recording of all the drums for the new album. Even though it has been frustrating it was worth the wait. Birger Löfman has recorded some of his best work with Destiny, so far…

If all goes according to the new plan we will start the recording of the bass next week.

We are still looking for a new singer. We will be very careful to choose a vocalist with a strong voice that suits the new music well. It will also be of great importance that he will have a good personality that works well with the rest of the band.

Any one that is interested in the position as lead singer for Destiny should contact the band via

Today's line up of Destiny features Stefan Björnshög on bass, Birger Löfman on the drums and Micke Åberg on guitar."
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