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 CHILDREN OF BODOM - 'Hellhounds On My Trail' Video

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: CHILDREN OF BODOM - 'Hellhounds On My Trail' Video   CHILDREN OF BODOM - 'Hellhounds On My Trail' Video EmptyVen 27 Juin - 14:15

CHILDREN OF BODOM - 'Hellhounds On My Trail' Video Not Featured On Webshop-Issued EP, New T-Shirt Designs Available

CHILDREN OF BODOM - 'Hellhounds On My Trail' Video T92266 CHILDREN OF BODOM have issued the following update:

"We would like to inform everyone who pre-ordered the Hellhounds On My Trail CD EP from our official webshop HateWear, that this version unfortunately doesn't feature the promotional video for 'Hellhounds On My Trail' as it is an exclusive bonus only for the UK version of the EP. You can, however, find the video in the Releases section of our website or below.

Also, we have a couple of new t-shirt designs available. You can find them here."
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CHILDREN OF BODOM - 'Hellhounds On My Trail' Video
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