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 POISON - The Rikki Rockett

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

POISON - The Rikki Rockett Empty
MessageSujet: POISON - The Rikki Rockett   POISON - The Rikki Rockett EmptyLun 30 Juin - 0:06

POISON - The Rikki Rockett Is Exonerated Party A Success

POISON - The Rikki Rockett T92377 POISON drummer Rikki Rockett has issued the following update:

"I couldn't be happier with the benefit/party yesterday (June 28th). Starting out the day, the Ride was a perfect combo of twisties and long curving roads with beautiful scenery. Kudos to my Brit Iron Rebels club brethren for putting it together!

The party was as fun as I pictured it to be, but the surprising thing was how well the charity auction went. We raised several thousand dollars for Centurion Ministries on the auction alone! This money and other silent contributions will go directly to help those who are innocent and do not have the resources to get decent legal help. Many of these people are on death row awaiting execution for a crime they did not commit.

Thank you to all who helped with contributions: Off Broadway Bistro, DW Drums, Red Monkey Designs, Toni from L'Oreal, High Desert Animal Clinic, Sweetwater Cafe, Street Sports Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Glory Sales and Service, Rockett Drum Works, and the numerous individual contributions both monetarily and otherwise.

This party was simply a kick off to an idea. I hope to do this annually as a benefit while maintaining the spirit of the excitement of a party. after all, we are the lucky ones with the freedom. Celebrate it everyday."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

POISON - The Rikki Rockett Empty
MessageSujet: Re: POISON - The Rikki Rockett   POISON - The Rikki Rockett EmptyVen 19 Sep - 11:02

RIKKI ROCKETT - Two Men Sought For Questioning In Felony Rape Charge

As previously reported, POISON drummer Rikki Rockett was exonerated earlier this year of a felony rape charge filed in Mississippi stemming from a September 23rd, 2007 incident in which a Neshoba County, Mississippi woman claimed that Rockett had forcibly raped her. Rockett has posted the following report on his official MySpace page:

Two men wanted for questioning in connection with an alleged rape at Pearl River Resort nearly a year ago are being sought by local law enforcement authorities. Ralph Sciple, investigator for the Neshoba County Sheriff's Department, said that officials are seeking to question John Minskoff and Robert Delavega, both of Homestead, Fla.

The alleged victim first told authorities that Rikki Rockett, the 46 year-old drummer of 1980s hair-metal band Poison, raped her in a room. Rockett was exonerated of any wrong doing earlier this year.

The Neshoba County woman filed the report two days after the alleged rape took place on Sept. 23, 2007, officials said.

"The Resort has participated with local law enforcement in every possible way," said Gen. Paul Harvey, CEO of Pearl River Resort. "Since the beginning of this situation we have co-operated to fullest with authorities and will continue to do so."

According to Harvey, local law enforcement officials have had access to video surveillance tapes from the Resort. The authorities said that the woman entered a room at Pearl River Resort with Minskoff. She then exited the room later with the same man, they said.

Both men are wanted for questioning. Minskoff has been listed with the National Crime Investigation Center (NCIC) while authorities said they don't have enough statistical data on Delavega, such as age and last known address, to list him at this time.
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