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 Nikki Sixx (motley crue)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Nikki Sixx (motley crue) Empty
MessageSujet: Nikki Sixx (motley crue)   Nikki Sixx (motley crue) EmptySam 2 Sep - 2:37

MÖTLEY CRÜE's Nikki Sixx: "Let Me Have A Little Fun In The Sun To Warm My Broken Fucking Heart"
Nikki Sixx (motley crue) 50298bi3

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx checks in with the following update:

"Well, all is about wrapped up for the tour... nothing left but the packing and goodbyes.

This has been a weird transition since the last tour. I came home married... leaving single. Kids have settled in and seem to be very happy. School has started and I'm feeling less worried and more just concerned about being gone from them. They are my first concern in life.

I love for the fans. I created it for you. I share my life with you here.

I also have fun on my other site... but it's not a fan site, so I don't add fans. It has nothing to do with music... duh, I'm single... let me mingle... let me have a little fun in the sun to warm my broken fucking heart...

Enjoy the music and photography... I do it for you too... this is your home... nurture it.

See you out there on the road with AEROSMITH... it is a dream come true."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Nikki Sixx (motley crue) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nikki Sixx (motley crue)   Nikki Sixx (motley crue) EmptyDim 17 Sep - 16:58

MÖTLEY CRÜE's Nikki Sixx: "We're The Worms In The Apple"
Nikki Sixx (motley crue) 51140lj0
MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx posted the following entry into his online diary earlier this week:

"We're in Darien Lake (where?) and leave after the show for NYC… my fav place as far as energy and people watching... Gonna be in the Apple for over a week, hubbing out to shows around and in the NY area… I guess you could say we're the worms in the Apple, but usually that title is held by my friend Dano's mom… I asked Dano to get me hooked up to photograph 'the mole people' but it seems security is tight and on heightened alert since 9-11 when it comes to nooks and crannies… understood.

AEROSMITH (love them) only wanna play every other day and it's like watching paint dry in my hotel room… so I'll have to find some other dysfunction to photograph while the worm eats away at the Apple.

I was just home with my wonderful kiddies…. needed a tune up… and a realignment with reality… always a plus when you're on a rock tour.

The spring season (season 2) for Royal Underground [Sixx's clothing line] is almost finished and our first season ships on October 30th. Kelly Gray and I couldn't make any of the fashion week parties and events we were invited to, but next year is just around the corner.

Fall is near… The cool is setting in and the leaves are attempting to turn all the shades of the coming football season and holiday spirits. God, I love this time of year…

Black eyes and bloody noses seem to be the standard for the aural stimbulatation we're giving the crowds on this tour… There was this one yuppie in Dockers who walked out when I spit blood on his J. Crew shirt at the last gig… so, of course, I'm trying to get water cannons to shoot blood all over the crowd now… I mean… look at it as an early Halloween… hahha

Seems *no* is a word i don't like and sometimes just have to accept… maybe less days off would make me less mischievous??

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Nikki Sixx (motley crue) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nikki Sixx (motley crue)   Nikki Sixx (motley crue) EmptyVen 24 Nov - 21:00

MÖTLEY CRÜE's Nikki Sixx: "This Has Been A Stressful Year"

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx has posted his latest "Graveyard Of My Mind" diary entry, which reads:

"So I'm sitting in another hotel room in another city missing deeply what I've worked so hard for. The kids are all home having Thanksgiving and I'm still on tour.

This is the 2nd Thanksgiving in a row away from home. The end of the tour is almost here and room service (a cold turkey sandwich is almost here too).

There is no plans to do anything at this point and that's find by me, 'cause I'm burnt out and as grateful as I am, I'm ready to go home and stay home. This has been a stressful year and I can't wait for the ball to drop on 2006 and welcome 2007 in.

Now the good news... Where I came from his is just heaven, but even heaven has it's thorns and razor blades and my crown's no different. Fatigue makes everything hurt and a few weeks of sleep and I'll be back to my old self.

More good news... We've raised a lot of money this year for Covenant House and Running Wild In The Night and that warms my heart. I hope it does you to.

Thanks for giving and Thanksgiving.

All my love and passion,

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Nikki Sixx (motley crue) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nikki Sixx (motley crue)   Nikki Sixx (motley crue) EmptyMer 3 Jan - 23:47

MÖTLEY CRÜE Bassist Nikki Sixx' Favorite Metal Moment Of 2006 - "The Return Of SLAYER"

Bass player Nikki Sixx of MÖTLEY CRÜE recently spoke to Boston-based writer Deb Rao about his favorite Metal Moment of 2006, New Years Resolution and his new Clothing line Royal Underground. On October 30, 2006, Sixx, along with former St. John CEO Kelly Gray of the St. John clothing line, launched the male clothing line called Royal Underground. Royal Underground features a very upscale, and classy line of male attire that targets the 20 - 40 year old male age bracket. The Royal Underground clothing line will be available at Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom and select boutiques.

Deb Rao: What is your favorite Metal Moment of 2006?
Sixx: "Well I'd have to say it was the return of Slayer, and their huge comeback with The Unholy Alliance Tour. Some people might find it strange that I like Slayer, but I do. Sure they're a death-metal/thrash/hardcore band, but I like that sort of music."

Deb Rao: Do you have any New Year Resolutions?
Sixx: "Yeah, I got one. Don't fuck up with my relationships."

Deb Rao: How did Royal Underground transpire? What goal did you have in mind launching the Royal Underground Line?
Sixx: "Kelly's history in the fashion world is phenomenal. When I first spoke to her I can remember her asking me some very direct, honest questions coming from a person, who has been in this her whole life. One of her questions was, 'Is it your fantasy to create very cool clothes and do you want to push this?' Kelly is part of this huge corporation. We both had the same answer, if we are involved in it, it has to be cool! We like cool things. We don't sit there and say let's make a line that is rock star oriented. I dress the way I dress, Kelly dresses the way she dresses, we design the way we design based on what we like. It is unique to our own individual tastes. It is the mixing of lots of different ingredients, and being able to take her education and my raw way of looking at the same thing and coming up with something unique to this line. The Royal Underground line is all across the country. We have been going to different stores. We get to the retail stores, we go in, and we walk the stores. We talk to the sales people. We ask them, what is working and not working and why they feel that our clothing line is valid. We asked them, where do you see us? They say we see you sitting in there with Dolce. When we were a young band, and we would get out there face to face with people, it helped to confirm what we were doing, what we were passionate about and what was real. We are finding that now when we walk into the retail stores, they say, 'We can't wait for your stuff. It is going to be perfect.' The managers at the retail stores are telling us, that they are excited about it, and that is how we know that Kelly and I are doing the right thing. When you love something enough to go head to toe over it, you know that it is going to come out really good."

Deb Rao: How would you describe the Royal Underground clothing line?
Sixx: "Well you know that it is interesting because you do what you do from your heart. You don't really sit there and go, we are going to sell only to this age bracket. But at the same time, it is a fine line with a price point that reflects that the materials are a higher end, because we really have a higher end, which includes elaborate construction, elaborate leathers, and cashmere tops. Our jeans are phenomenal, the construction of them, the washes, and the designs are elaborate. So we don't belong on Melrose. We realize that we fit into a certain niche. Neiman Marcus has been extremely supportive, as well as Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom, Fredericks in Los Angeles. There is an age bracket that goes there that I wasn't necessarily aware of that skews as young as it does, and also surpasses the age limit that I thought would wear cool clothes. They are looking for cool, hip, and comfortable clothes. The men's market is growing faster than any other market there is right now. I think men are getting to the point, where they are comfortable accepting themselves a little bit outside the box, but at the same time, not wanting to be outside the box to the extent that it doesn't really feel comfortable to walk down the street. For us as designers, Kelly and I are constantly using that strategy in men's wear
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Nikki Sixx (motley crue) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nikki Sixx (motley crue)   Nikki Sixx (motley crue) EmptyDim 4 Mar - 23:36

NIKKI SIXX Auctions Stage Clothes For Charity

NIKKI SIXX, founding member and bassist of MÖTLEY CRÜE, founder of Running Wild In The Night (a fundraising initiative for Covenant House California) will auction off his stage clothes from the 2006 Route Of All Evil Tour, in which he and Mötley Crüe toured across North America with AEROSMITH. The auction begins today, Thursday March 1st and ends Wednesday March 7th at (scroll down). The items being sold include a collection of autographed clothing designed and worn by Sixx during the tour.

Sixx launched Running Wild In The Night as a fundraising initiative for Covenant House that helps homeless and troubled youth get off the streets. To date Sixx has raised over $100,000 and will continue to increase this number. Sixx launched the initiative by auctioning off a custom, personalized Harley Davidson motorcycle to the highest bidder and has plans to auction off another one in the near future.

Covenant House provides services to homeless and runaway youth, including advocacy, health care, education, vocational preparation, drug abuse treatment and prevention programs, legal services, recreation, transitional living programs, street and community outreach and aftercare. “I chose to work with Covenant House after a lot of research - I saw what they were doing and it was exactly what I had envisioned for helping at-risk kids – I visited the Los Angeles location and was impressed by the whole operation. Running Wild in the Night helps brings in money for Covenent House and will help provide creative opportunities for the residents including instruments and musical instruction for the kids. ”

In addition to Sixx’s philanthropic involvements, he has written a book that is set for release later this year titled Heroin Diaries. A soundtrack inspired by Heroin Diaries, the book, will also be released featuring guest artists and producers. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Running Wild In The Night – a fundraising initiative for Covenant House, created by Sixx, that helps homeless and troubled youth get off the streets. Sixx has also partnered with former St. John CEO Kelly Gray to create Royal Underground, an edgy, high-end collection of men’s fashion.
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