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 gene simmons "dedicace pour son nouveau bouquin"

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

gene simmons "dedicace pour son nouveau bouquin" Empty
MessageSujet: gene simmons "dedicace pour son nouveau bouquin"   gene simmons "dedicace pour son nouveau bouquin" EmptyVen 11 Juil - 1:49

dedicace pour son nouveau bouquin :

Gene Simmons, the New York Times best-selling author, reality TV star, and KISS bassist/vocalist, celebrated the release of his new book, "Ladies of the Night", with a July 8 appearance at Borders Books in Westwood, California. Watch fan-filmed video footage of the event below. Photos can be found at

"Ladies of the Night" is described as an entertaining mix of narrative history and Simmons' own unique philosophy about the inception and legacy of prostitution. Beautifully illustrated in lush, velvety binding, "Ladies of the Night" is an entirely new take on a traditionally taboo topic and promises to spark debate.

Gene Simmons will guest on Q104.3's "The Jim Kerr Rock 'N' Roll Morning Show" in New York City this coming Friday, July 11 at 7:00 a.m. to promote "Ladies of the Night". If you live in the U.S., you can listen to the program live via the Internet at this location:
Gene Simmons, the New York Times best-selling author, reality TV star, and KISS bassist/vocalist, celebrated the release of his new book, "Ladies of the Night", with a July 8 appearance at Borders Books in Westwood, California. Watch fan-filmed video footage of the event below. Photos can be found at

"Ladies of the Night" is described as an entertaining mix of narrative history and Simmons' own unique philosophy about the inception and legacy of prostitution. Beautifully illustrated in lush, velvety binding, "Ladies of the Night" is an entirely new take on a traditionally taboo topic and promises to spark debate.

Gene Simmons will guest on Q104.3's "The Jim Kerr Rock 'N' Roll Morning Show" in New York City this coming Friday, July 11 at 7:00 a.m. to promote "Ladies of the Night". If you live in the U.S., you can listen to the program live via the Internet at this location:
Gene Simmons, the New York Times best-selling author, reality TV star, and KISS bassist/vocalist, celebrated the release of his new book, "Ladies of the Night", with a July 8 appearance at Borders Books in Westwood, California. Watch fan-filmed video footage of the event below. Photos can be found at

"Ladies of the Night" is described as an entertaining mix of narrative history and Simmons' own unique philosophy about the inception and legacy of prostitution. Beautifully illustrated in lush, velvety binding, "Ladies of the Night" is an entirely new take on a traditionally taboo topic and promises to spark debate.

Gene Simmons will guest on Q104.3's "The Jim Kerr Rock 'N' Roll Morning Show" in New York City this coming Friday, July 11 at 7:00 a.m. to promote "Ladies of the Night". If you live in the U.S., you can listen to the program live via the Internet at this location:
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