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 JUDAS PRIEST, PRIMAL FEAR - B'estfest Aftershock photos

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JUDAS PRIEST, PRIMAL FEAR - B'estfest Aftershock photos Empty
MessageSujet: JUDAS PRIEST, PRIMAL FEAR - B'estfest Aftershock photos   JUDAS PRIEST, PRIMAL FEAR - B'estfest Aftershock photos EmptyLun 14 Juil - 19:46

JUDAS PRIEST, PRIMAL FEAR And Others - B'estfest Aftershock Photos Posted

B'estfest festival organizers this year held a special day of B'estfest, on July 11th (B'estfest Aftershock) in Bucharest, Romania, featuring headliners JUDAS PRIEST. has posted a photo gallery from the event, which was attended by more than 10,000 people and also featured PRIMAL FEAR, ROSS THE BOSS, THUNDERSTORM and WISDOM.

Check out the shots at this location.
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JUDAS PRIEST, PRIMAL FEAR - B'estfest Aftershock photos
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