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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: SAVAGE PARADISE -   SAVAGE PARADISE - EmptyMer 16 Juil - 1:08

SAVAGE PARADISE - New Keyboardist Completes Line-Up

SAVAGE PARADISE is a new project led by guitarist Mario Parga, singer Tony Martin (ex-BLACK SABBATH), drummer Kevin Valentine (ex-CINDERELLA/KISS) and bassist Tim Luce (ex-ALCATRAZZ). The band have just completed the line-up with the addition of keyboardist Eric Ragno, "a seasoned pro and well respected Los Angeles based session player," according to a press release.

Mario Parga said of Eric: “I’ve been in talks with Eric and it was obvious that he’s in the same place musically right now as Savage Paradise. Eric will no doubt play a big part in the sound of the band and we’re all looking forward to working with him.”

The band will commence work on their debut album during the fall, all updates will be available through MidnightCafe Music and the band’s official website.

In other news, Parga is teaming up with his old friend, singer Graham Bonnet (Rainbow/Alcatrazz/Impelliteri/MSGRAINBOW/ALCATRAZZ/IMPELLITERI/MSG) to record a special CD/download single. The song is called ‘American Angel’ and is based on Mario’s previously unreleased instrumental song of the same name. Mario said recently “I’ve not worked with Graham since his album The Day I Went Mad in 1998, we’ve always had a lot in common with music and we’ve been good friends for over twenty years. ‘American Angel’ is an instrumental song I wrote a couple of years ago for my wife Shawna, and I know that Graham’s voice is perfect for the vocal version. Graham likes the song too, and I can’t wait to hear him sing it.”

The single will be released by MidnightCafe Music late in the year. A video for the song is in the pipeline, more news of this to follow.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: SAVAGE PARADISE -   SAVAGE PARADISE - EmptyVen 23 Jan - 20:19

Bonnet remplace Tony Martin qui quitte le projet :

Mario Parga today issued the following press release:
The new band Savage Paradise featuring Mario Parga (Forcefield/Cozy Powell/Mario Parga) on guitars, Kevin Valentine (Kiss/Cinderella) on drums, Tim Luce (Alcatrazz) on bass and Eric Ragno (Takara/Vox Tempus/China Blue) on keyboards have today announced that singer Tony Martin (Black Sabbath) has left the project due to other commitments. Tony has been replaced with the legendary Graham Bonnet (Rainbow/MSG/Alcatrazz).

Mario Parga's statement:
"Tony was unable to record the new Savage Paradise album due to personal and business commitments. We're still good friends and will undoubtedly work together in the future, and I wish him great success with his own projects.
I've known Graham (Bonnet) for over twenty years during which time we've been very good friends, he's like an older brother to me. We've worked on several recordings together but never played in the same band so we're both looking forward to working within Savage Paradise. Graham doesn't need any introductions, everyone knows what a unique and totally amazing voice he possesses and I'm very excited and pleased to have him onboard."
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