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 austrian death machine

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: austrian death machine   austrian death machine EmptyMer 16 Juil - 12:26

AUSTRIAN DEATH MACHINE - Two New Songs Available For Streaming, Fan Questions Answered

austrian death machine T93300 AUSTRIAN DEATH MACHINE founder Tim Lambesis (AS I LAY DYING) has posted two new songs from the debut album, Total Brutal, on the project's official MySpace page. Check out the tracks 'Come With me If You Want To Live' and 'What It's Like To Be A Singer At Band Practice' here.

In addition, Lambesis has answered several Frequently Asked Questions and invites fans to send more. His first round of answers is below.

Q: What the heck is Austrian Death Machine?

Tim: "Austrian Death Machine is my solo/side project where I get a chance to play all instruments and be the band supporting all-brutal Ahhnold as a singer. All of the lyrics are based on the great Schwarzenegger one-liners from movies and the choruses are always a classic phrase that every action movie fan should know."

Q: I didn't know you played guitar and bass. How long have you been playing?

Tim: "I started playing guitar before I started As I Lay Dying and since then I've always been a contributor to song writing for AILD. When AILD first started I wrote a majority of the guitar parts for everything until Shadows Are Security. Now I don't get to play guitar as often as I would like so I started Austrian Death Machine to give me a chance to focus more on guitar once again."

Q: Can you really play drums that well? You sound almost as good as Jordan!

Tim: "The drums on Austrian Death Machine are a combination of real drums and stuff that I programmed. I understand drumming well but can't really play everything that I want, so the solution for me was to fill in parts that are too difficult. Modern recording techniques are great for a solo artist like me! Interestingly enough, the drums sound pretty similar to any modern metal recording because most drummers and engineers replace their real drums with samples now-a-days. The major difference with Jordan is that he can actually nail all of his parts live and I'm just a dude who knows a lot of studio tricks to make things sound good."

Q: Is Ahhnold really singing parts on all of the songs?

Tim: "When I originally recorded the album I used clips from Schwarzenegger movies, but when it came down to the final mix I started to get worried that I might get sued for using stuff without permission. So, last minute I decided to have my friend Chad Ackerman redo the Ahhnold parts because he does an excellent impersonation. Now the two of us have created a character called Ahhnold who is the actual front man for the band. Ahhnold is the one who should be feared and respected and not me. You can see a picture of him on the cover of the CD and when we play live it will be Ahhnold who is actually the one singing."

Q: What kind of equipment do you use?

Tim: "All of the As I Lay Dying albums except for one and the Austrian Death Machine album was recorded using a Les Paul studio with an EMG 81 pickup in it. The bass guitars change depending on the song. Drums change all of the time due to what stays in tune and how we're mic'ing the kit. Amps vary from album to album, but Total Brutal was recording using a Krankenstein through a Mesa Boogie guitar cabinet with Vintage 30 speakers."

Q:What is your favorite Arnold movie?

Tim: "Total Recall is my favorite because it is surprisingly philosophical. It's way cooler than the Matrix, even though the Matrix part one was a decent movie. In addition to challenging reality, the movie is unintentionally hilarious at times. This is all on top of the fact that the plot line sets the stage for a brutal action film."

Total Brutal, released on July 22nd, features the following tracks:
'Hello California',
'Get To The Choppa',
'Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers',
'All Of The Songs Sound The Same',
'I Am A Cybernetic Organism,
Living Tissue Over (Metal) Endoskeleton',
'Come With Me If You Want To Live',
'What It's Like To Be A Singer At Band Practice',
'Who Is Your Daddy,
And What Does He Do?',
'You Have Just Been Erased',
'Broo-Tall Song Idea',
'Here Is Subzero, Now Plain Zero',
'So Far, So Good, So Let's Talk About It',
'Screw You (Benny)',
'Why?', 'If It Bleeds,
We Can Kill It',
'It's Not A Tumor',
'Not So Hidden Track'.
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